B B King - The Thrill Is Gone ft Tracy Chapman
04 Oct 2021
Read about the career of B B King here https www udiscovermusic com stories the-king-of-the-blues utm campaign uDYT utm medium youtube utm source youtube Listen to more from B B King a http 3A 2F 2Fbbking lnk to 2FlistenYT a Facebook a https 3A 2F 2Fwww facebook com 2Fbbking 2F a Instagram a https 3A 2F 2Fwww instagram com 2Fbbkingofficial 2F a Website a http 3A 2F 2Fwww bbking com 2F a Music video by B B King performing The Thrill Is Gone C 1997 Geffen Records BBKing TheThrillIsGone Vevo
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