T D Jakes Sermons This is Not the Time to Lose Your Head

28 Sep 2021

Have you ever had a moment when you realized that what you believed was real was only your imagination or when you discovered that a truth was more fiction than fact Have you heard the phrase It s all in your head In this sermon T D Jakes gets into the head games that the devil likes to play and how we should protect ourselves so that we can survive the battle and enjoy the blessings For this revelatory message T D Jakes references Ephesians 6 which speaks about the armor of God and focuses on one essential element the helmet of salvation Speaking of spiritual warfare T D Jakes offers this insight Blessings do not come without a battle but the level of the battle is an indication of the level of the blessing It s important therefore to be prepared for the fight so you can step into victory The armor of God is absolutely necessary for this You must be ready to stand against the enemy s tactics one of his favorites being to mess with your head The devil often tries to convince us against what we already know is true This is when we might see our feelings struggling against the knowledge of God or our minds being consumed by worries doubts what-ifs and if-onlys Rather than being ruled by feelings and false narratives we must put on the helmet of salvation and be governed by the Word protected by the truth This is how we can win the battle and reap the blessings Watch the video to get all the powerful insight from this message This is Not the Time to Lose Your Head Also be sure to subscribe to our channel for more T D Jakes sermons You can also join a vibrant growing community of believers online at Bishop s Village a https 3A 2F 2Fbishopsvillage com a Check it out today HelmetOfSalvation ArmorOfGod

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